3.5 Forms

3.5.1 Generating a Form Sheet

Using forms is the only way of interactive communication via the Internet.
In other word, if you provide a form in your HTML document, the person who looks at he document can respond and send something back to you (or your computer) by writing text in your document or doing something else.
Forms are therefore very important if you want to use the Internet for more than just for providing information.
How do we generate a form? We need to do two things:
First: Add the specific "form" commands to your toolbar ("View", "Toolbar", "forms") or use the shortcut: Click with the right mouse key in he tool bar field and select "form". Click on "insert form". A <form></form> tag appears, but there is nothing inside.
Second: Generate a table inside the form tag; because whatever you are going to produce will have to be formatted, and that we do with tables. You will need at least 3 columns.
Now consider that your "customer" can reply to you in several ways: Writing plain text, clicking on buttons (that you provide), or clicking on entries on pull down menus you provide. The buttons of the "form" toolbar allow you do program these (and more) options. Lets look at the options:
The first two buttons are labeled "insert text box" and "insert text area". Try them in the right-hand side column of your table within the form tags. Two text fields - a small lone ("box") and a larger one ("field") appear. The serve the same purpose - your client can send back text he or she writes - but in somewhat different ways.
Click into the text fields with the right mouse key, select "text area properties" and you see the difference:
  • The text field is for text of arbitrary length. You can define the size of the field and your client can write as much as he pleases into this field.
  • The text box is for short messages. Most important, you can select a maximum length (so some disgruntled customer cannot send you back a copy of "War and Peace" and block your system.
Now, you want a response to a particular question. So write your question in the column to the left of your text fields (e.g. "How do you like the HTML course?").
Next we will discuss the all-important question of how to design the whole form sheet. Imagine that what you created is the whole form. Look at it with your browser. Write something in the text field and imagine that you sent it off (we will learn how do that in a minute). The big question is: What will you, the originator of the form, receive?
The answer is: You will receive an e-mail with the text written by your client on it - nothing else!
In other words: If you have several and more complicated forms, you will neither know which form, nor which question your client answered! So you must identify ("name") your form and your questions!
How do we do that? By looking at an example:
Here is the "head" part of a form that asks your evaluation of the HTML course. It consists of the text fields we already know.
1 Personal Information
(voluntary; you do not have to fill in the form)
1.1 Name
1.2 Status (Student, assistant, professor, ..)
1.3 Previous experience with PCs and software
(Give details)
1.4 email
(give your address)
You see that the questions are consecutively numbered (1.1 - 1.4). But since these numbers will not automatically appear in the reply, we have to supply them somewhere else too - of course in the attributes of the text fields!
Put the cursor in a text field and hit "F6". An attribute list appears. You recognize the numbers under "name". Never forget to fill that in with the same identifier you used for the question (it doesn't have to be a number, you can also use "a,b,c,.." or "I, II, III, IV, ..."). The name you assign will now appear in front of what the client sends back, so you now have the proper reference to your questionnaire.
Some of the other attributes are automatically assigned (e.g. "type"), the rest you can select as in many other cases that we already discussed. We will encounter some of these attributes in what follows; for the rest consult the HoTMetaL "help" menu (go for "forms").
Now we would know which question was answered, but not which form.
So use F6 in the form tag and you will find the attribute "name" Write in the name you like to give the form sheet - it will appear in the reply.
We now can look at the other possibilities in a form. We will do that by looking at this document in the browser!
In the form below you find a pull-down menu or "drop down box" that can be checked. It has several entries.
Go back to HoTMetaL to see how it was constructed.
The procedure, however, is a little different from the usual: We do not use F6, but....
Use your right mouse key right in the in the drop down box (of course back in HoTMetaL) and open the "list of properties".
1.5 What is your experience with HTML?
(check one)
Write in what you want in the proper entries. Just try it out and you will see what happens. The only unclear option is "default".
The default values you can choose are "yes" or "no". They provide the answer to the question if the client does not check one of the options. (What ever he or she checks will always be "yes")!
In this example the way the default values have been set will always provide the answer: "None" to the question "HTML knowledge"
This brings us to another major point about forms. There are two possible recipients to a form: 1. You as a person, or 2. a computer.
In the first case, default values are not important. You will get an e-mail with possibly some questions not answered - you will conclude something from this; that is your choice
If the recipient is a computer, it most likely has been programmed to do something with the replies. It will. e.g., compare it with other replies and create some statistics for you (For example: Knowledge of HTML from evaluating 223 replies: none: 63%, some 27%, plenty: 8%, professional 2%). In this case the computer needs a value for any entry and if your client does not supply it, you do it via "default".
This applies, of course, also to the other options for form entries.
Lets try the next options: Buttons!
Buttons are inserted from the menu bar. If you think about it, you need two types (shown below):
1. Buttons, where only one in a row can be checked (below its either yes or no, not both), so these buttons must be linked somehow.
It works, try it with the browser. Whichever one you check, the other, which you may have checked before, is cleared again. This reminds us of the buttons on old transistor radios: If you press one down, the one previously pressed comes up. This type of button therefore is called a "radio button". The round buttons below are all radio buttons
2. Buttons, where several can be checked simultaneously (e.g. under 2.4 below), are called "checkboxes"
You decide what kind of button it will be with the F6 key by entering "radio" or "checkbox" in the "Type" attribute.
Now, if your client checks a button or a checkbox, you must know this. If you do nothing, you will only get a reply for checked boxes saying "on" ("on" is then the default value of a checked box). If you want to get a different value on the reply, enter this word in the "value" attribute
This option has been used with some of the buttons below; look at it (of course back in HoTMetaL) with the right mouse key with the cursor right on the button (it must appear marked) and open the "list of properties".
If you want to get a return from the unchecked boxes or buttons only, write "checked" in the attribute line "Checked" (or click on "checked" in the menu "option buttons properties" that comes up by clicking with the right mouse key on the button).
2 For teachers
2.1 Would you consider to use this hyperscript "HTML"? yes no
2.2 Did you get ideas for your own work from the hyperscript? yes no
2.3 Do you think HTML and multimedia will be important for teaching
(grade as usual)
Grade: 1 2 3 4 5 6
2.4 What was most important for you in this course?
(Check three topics)
Learning basic HTML
Learning tricks
Working with graphics, videos etc.
Learning about frames and forms
Learning formulas in XML
Getting an idea about JavaScript and Java
The other possibilities (e.g. "insert List Box") are now pretty much self explaining. We have now completed a form; what is left to do is to add some help for the client and to provide for sending it to the right person. Lets look at the example below:
First, it is polite and a good idea to ask if the client wants some response. This is done with a checkbox and a text box.
Second, you should give the client a chance to change what he or she has filled out, this means the choice between "send" or "cancel"
You can obtain the proper buttons directly from the menu bar or configure a button, checkbox etc. by using "submit" or "reset" in the attribute line "Type". The meaning is clear: "Reset" wipes out everything already done in the form sheet, "submit" mails it off.
But to what address is the form sheet mailed? There is no option to include an e-mail address in the attributes of the "submit" button.
This is only logical, because you don't want to mail off the value of this button, but the contents of the whole form sheet. The e-mail address therefore must be an attribute of the whole sheet!
So lets look at the <form></form> attributes.
Most important is "Action". Here you enter the e-mail address the form should be sent to.
The "Method" should be "post"; everything else is clear (or take it from the example).
One last point: The example below has a new tag right after the form tag, <input></input> in source code. What does it mean?
Since you only get a very brief reply - only what your client writes or checks; not your own text and questions - you may want to send some more information along that helps you to evaluate the e-mails you get. For example, you may want to have a short explanation of the answers, e.g. "This is an answer to a form used for explaining forms in the Hyperscript HTML".
Of course this kind of comment should not be visible in the Browser. If you only include it as regular comment, it will not be sent along. So you use the "input" tag (there is even a button "insert hidden input" for this). What ever you write in "value" at its attribute list, will appear on the e-mail.
5.2 I would like to stay in touch Please send an answer to this e-mail

Of course, we will now use frames and form in the group homepages.
 Here comes the third assignment:
3rd Assignment
Improving your Homepage with frames and forms

index.gif zurueck.gif