3. Formatting

3.1 Formatting Tables

3.1.1 Basics about Tables

In the source code, properties of a table are are given cell by cell. This makes the generation of more complicated tables very unwieldy in source code or with simple HTML editors. HoTMetaL (starting with version 4) provides very convenient tools to format tables and to work with tables.
There are, however, lots of opportunities to really, really mess up your table and to induce system crashes!
The most important tool is the "table property" button (table symbol with something else in the row of buttons dedicated to tables) which allows to set properties with one fell swoop for whole rows and columns, but also for the whole table or single cells. Lets see how it works.
First, produce a table: Click on "Insert table" pulled down from the main menu entry "Table"; or click on the "Insert table" button (the button with a table symbol). Choose the number of rows and columns you like; erase anything coming up on "Width" (we already dealt with that shortly); and set the grid as you like.
Now click on the table property button with your cursor inside some arbitrary place in the table
You get a choice of adjusting the properties of the table, a column, a row, or a cell.
Let us start with the table:
You already know about the background color. Next is width, either in % of whatever screen size is used for viewing your document (you do not really know that!) or in (absolute) pixels. This will give the size of the whole table!
Then you decide about the border. Again, there are unclear options: you could have no border by clicking on "no border" or you can choose a border with width 0 or with simply no entry. What is the difference? Your browser probably shows the same thing: A table with no border. But other browsers may react differently.
You have now an option for "cell spacing" and "cell padding" What is that? Remember that all these menus are only editing tools to insert attributes (and that they mostly do not give you all the attributes). If you don't know what something means, look it up in the attribute list which is complete and gives short explanations:
Put your cursor inside the table tag and hit F6. You find for
Cell spacing: Space in pixels between cells.
Cell padding: Space in pixels between the cell border and the contents.
Try it. But be aware of the fact that you are making life more complicated for browsers and that you now transfer more data - it will take (a little bit) more time to load your document.
Basic Advice: Set only clear attributes you definitely want and that you understand perfectly well. Otherwise leave the attribute open; this gives the browser the freedom of choice and since you don't care there are the least possible problems
Now lets look at "Column"
You have a choice of color and width as before - and already there is potential for conflict! For example, what is the browser supposed to do if you define the table width to be 150 pixels, and then give the width of one column to be 200 pixels?
You also may now choose the alignment of the contents in a column. The attributes here are clear, except for "Other". This simply means you leave it to the browser.
The line Cell Type is new. Try it!
Rows are simple now: Everything is the same as for columns except that "width"; quite logically, is replaced by "heights". Again there is plenty of opportunity for conflicting commands.
This leaves Cells
Everything is pretty clear. Bur now you really can mess up your table. Any attribute given to a cell may be in conflict with what you specified for the table, the columns and the rows. Cell commands usually override other (as the must) so be aware of what you are doing!
A common problem is that just one cell carries a "width" entry - which now forces the whole column to this width. Finding and erasing it may be tiresome, because you have to check every single cell - the "width" entry oft the cell will not show in the table property window under "columns"!
By now you had ample opportunity to create a lot of mutually conflicting properties, e.g. by giving different "width" values for one particular cell in "column", "row" and "cell", by requesting % - width of various columns that add up to more or less than 100%, by giving conflicting colors, etc.
Play around and see what happens! And note that are more potentially conflicting situations to come - you may, e.g., insert an image into a cell of given size that is too big for that cell!

3.1.2 Formatting with tables

The format used in this script is a good example of how to use tables for formatting. We obviously want the triangles to be all the way to the left, the text after the triangles to start right after the triangles, the spheres to align with the text following the triangles, and the text after the spheres to start right after the spheres.
How do we do this? We need a table with three columns, the first one containing the triangles, the second one the spheres and the third one the text after spheres. It looks like this, just without borders
Text text text.......
  Text text text.......
To achieve the desired result, we use the possibility to merge or divide columns, rows and cells. For that you need the 6 buttons showing blue rectangles with arrows or dividing lines and the 6 buttons showing green or red lines in a table.
The latter ones are easy. They insert whole rows or columns to the left or to the right of wherever your cursor is; or they remove rows or columns (red lines). Try it. Its good at this point, to remember the "restore" button (arrow to the left) - e.g. if you accidentally erased a table column.
The "blue" buttons are more tricky. The work for cells. You may divide your cell vertically or horizontally, or both, and you may do this many times if you like. Or you may merge two cells, going left/right/up/down from the cell you start.
Again, you have a powerful tool and a really very, very good opportunity to completely mess up your table. Often the buttons won't work because you requested a logical impossibility. More dangerously, they may actually do something - but create a conflict within some browsers!
But now to the simple formatting question from above.
What you have to do in order to start text right after the triangle, is to merge the two cells to the left of the triangle. So use the extension to the right - that´s all.

3.1.3 Problems, Tricks and Admitting Defeat

We start this topic by doing a little exercise (not an assignment) which will not become part of the documents, i.e. it will be discarded later
You can either download the exercise directly from amatstud/html_en/kap_9/exercise/e3_1_1.html, or you can copy the source code from the browser and paste it into HoTMetaL.
In-class exercise
Try to create a "good" table and to repair a "messed-up" one.
One trick, or better a word of warning:
Do not - repeat, do not - adjust the width and height of table parts by simply moving the dividing line with the cursor - even so HoTMetaL offers this!
In all but the simplest table you will kill your table in the end - for almost sure!

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