1.1.2 Connection to Other Courses and Required Background

Connection to other Courses

There are no direct connections to other courses
However, in several lecture courses of the Materials Science Curriculum the exercise classes are held in seminar style. You may want to hand in your paper in HTML.
Courses with emerging Hyperscripts will then include your paper into the Hyperscript. (This is supposed to be an incentive!).

Required Background

You should be able to work with a PC in general. Besides that, you should have some background in Materials Science or Solid State Physics, because many examples will be taken from this field. If you meet these requirements, you can profit from the course.
If you have some knowledge of the following items, you may profit even more. But you don't really need it
Graphics; i.e. working with Word Graphic, Corel Draw, Designer Paint Shop Pro.
Programming; especially in C
Writing formulas with some editor or in LATEX

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