In ionic conductors, the current is transported
by ions moving around (and possibly electrons and holes, too). Electrical current transport
via ions, or ions and electrons/holes, is found in: |
Conducting liquids called electrolytes. |
Ion conducting solids, also called solid
electrolytes. |
Ionic conductivity is important for many products: |
Type I and type II
batteries (i.e. regular and rechargeable). |
Fuel cells. |
Electrochromic windows and displays. |
| |
Solid state sensors, especially for reactive gases. |
In contrast to purely electronic current transport, there is always
a chemical reaction tied to the current flow that takes place wherever the ionic current
is converted to an electronic current - i.e. at the contacts or electrodes. There may be, however, a measurable potential
difference without current flow in ionic systems, and therefore applications not involving chemical reactions. |
This is a big difference to current flow with electrons (or holes), where no chemical reaction is needed
for current flow across contacts since "chemical reactions " simply means that the system changes with time. |
If we look at the conductivity of solid ionic conductors, we look at the movement of ions in
the crystal lattice - e.g. the movement (= diffusion) of O– or H+ ions either
as interstitials or as lattice ions. |
In other words, we look at the diffusion of (ionized) atoms in some crstal lattice, described by a diffusion coefficient D. |
| |
Since a diffusion coefficient D and a mobility µ describe essentially the same
thing, it is small wonder that they are closely correlated - by the Einstein-Smoluchowski
relation (the link leads you to the semiconductor Hyperscript with a derivation of the equation). |
| |
The conductivity of a solid-state ionic conductor thus becomes |
s = e · c · µ =
| e2 · c · D
kT | = |
e2 · c · D0
kT |
· exp– |
Hm kT |
with the normal Arrhenius behaviour of the diffusion coefficient and Hm = migration
enthalpy of an ion, carrying one elementary charge. In other words: we must expect complex and strongly temperature dependent
behaviour; in particular if c is also a strong function of T. |
| | |
Ionics is the topic of dedicated lecture courses,
here we will only deal with two of the fundamental properties and equations - the Debye
length and the Nernst
equation - in a very simplified way. |
The most general and most simple situation that we have to consider is a contact
between two materials, at least one of which is a solid ionic conductor or solid electrolyte.
Junctions with liquid electrolytes, while somewhat more complicated, essentially follow the same line of reasoning. |
Since this involves that some kind of ion can move, or, in other words, diffuse
in the solid electrolyte, the local concentration
c of the mobile ion can respond to two types of driving forces: |
Concentration gradients, leading to particle currents jdiff
(and, for particles with charge q, automatically to an electrical current
jelect = q · jdiff) given by Ficks
laws |
| |
With D =
diffusion coefficient of the diffusing particle. |
| |
2. Electrical fields
E, inducing electrical current according to Ohms law
(or whatever current - voltage - characteristics applies to the particular case), e.g. |
| |
jfield = s · E
= q · c · µ · E |
With µ = mobility of the particle. |
Both driving forces may be present simultaneously; the
total current flow or voltage drop then results from the combined action of the two driving forces. |
| |
Note that in one equation the current is proportional to the gradient
of the concentration whereas in the other equation the proportionality is to the concentration directly.
This has immediate and far reaching consequences for all cases where in equilibrium the two components must cancel each
other as we will see in the next sub-chapter. |
In general, the two partial currents will not be zero and some net
current flow is observed. Under equilibrium conditions, however, there is no net current, this requires that the partial
currents either are all zero, or that they must have the same magnitude (and opposite signs), so that they cancel
each other. |
The equilibrium condition thus is |
| |
The importance of this equation cannot be over emphasized. It imposes some general conditions on the steady state concentration profile of the diffusing ion and thus the charge density. Knowing
the charge density distribution, the potential distribution can be obtained with the Poisson
equation, and this leads to the Debye length
and Nernsts law which we will discuss in the next paragraphs. |
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© H. Föll (Electronic Materials - Script)