Good ideas do not convince most people
because they are good:
You have to convince them!

Oral Presentations

1. Communication

Some general Points

The success of a presentation- however measured - will always depend on two factors:

The factual content
(here we discuss only scientific, not political presentations, so we assume there is content)
The packaging
Both factors are equally important in a first approximation! Remember: Success = Content · Acceptance in lay terms, and Success = (a1· Content)n · (a2 · Acceptance)m , ai, m, n = cost, if you want to be more sophisticated and put weight factors on the 2 ingredients, but for acceptance = 0, success will be = 0, anyway.
Now, as far as content goes, try to remember presentations that you heard and found good. Most likely two conditions were met
You understood what was being said, at least, even if getting lost in details, you always could follow the red line of the presentation.
You were not put out by the packaging - you "liked" the speaker. The way he/she presented stuff kept you willing to process what you heard.
The question is, how do you make sure that your audience feels that way about your presentation?
If you are not a fascinating person by definition (e.g. a Noble Prize Winner), you have to appeal to your audience on a factual and emotional level.
Since scientific presentation are supposed to be unemotional in the conventional sense of the word, your emotional impact must come from the way you speak, you move, you look at your audience, you formulate your sentences and so on.

Four Aspects of Communications

The recipient of your presentation has a completely free choice of what aspects he/she emphasizes for himself/herself. If there are many recipients, changes are that they will walk away and they all have heard quite different things if you ask them about the presentation a few days later. The message received by each individual differs from that of his neighbour, and all reception may differ from what was sent or from what you think, you sent.

There is nothing you can do about this - except to make sure that on top of varying memories they all (or at least most of them) have the same recollection of just a few essentials.
And if you rack your own memory of some presentation you heard in the past, your recollection will always be along two totally separate lines
You may remember something about the topic:
(" had something to do with Si chips...")
You remember something about the presentation:
("...he made a lot of jokes...", "..he was barely understandable..", ."... he forgot to remove his bicycle clips from his pants...", "...I forgot what it was all about, but it was very interesting", "... was that the talk where everybody fell asleep?".
Try it! If you can remember any presentation without remembering something on this "emotional" level, you are actually dead and were replaced by an alien robot!

Noise in Communication

As you (should) know from communication theory, any communication channel may be disturbed by noise or other aberrations. Now, you are sending on two channels, the factual one and the emotional one. And even if the factual channel is noise-free, noise on the emotional channel influences the reception on the factual channel - there is heavy cross-talk!
Lets look at some of the reasons for noise

Incongruent signals:
Factual and emotional (or spoken and unspoken) messages differ. A trivial example: If you discuss equation X, but point at equation Y, your audience gets confused.
Unfavourable relations to audience
Being factually correct may be emotionally wrong. Saying repeatedly ..."as you all should know from High school..." may be factually correct, but the people who forgot, will hate you and won't develop a positive attitude towards your message.
Being hard to follow
This can happen in quite different ways. If you say " is immediately apparent, the solution to this (incredibly long and complex) differential equation is c = n · l .. " you loose your audience (it is either insulted or thinks about why something is immediately apparent that is not), but you also loose it if you start solving your equation for a long time (the audience meanwhile forgets what the solution is good for).
Biased Recipients
They shouldn't exist in science, but then, we are all human. If you to explain to Prof. X and his crew, why their pet theory is all wrong, your audience will be biased and receive what you say heavily filtered. The same thing happens, just with signs reversed, if your stuff supports his pet theory. Students have accused their Professor of being against alternative energies, because he pointed out that there are only so much kWh that you may get from any solar cell in this solar system. The message received was completely different from what was sent because a bias developed early in the presentation.
In the extreme form of the above issue, the recipient will simply no longer listen or turn everything around.

2. Body Language

Noise Sources on the Emotional Channel

There are a few "classical" sources of noise on the emotional channel, that may heavily interfere with the signals on the factual channel:

No eye contact.
If you talk to the blackboard, to the overhead projector or to someone in outer space, you are going to loose your audience. That is not easy to avoid. Sometimes it is helpful if you pick a few persons (not too close up) in the audience, to whom you talk keeping eye contact (for only a few seconds each!).
Nervously running back and forth
Standing stiffly in one place all the time
Lots of gesticulation
No gesticulation
If you secretly hope that your hands will disappear because you don't know what to do with them, your audience will notice (very difficult problem!). In scientific talks there are simple tricks: Writing on foils or on the blackboard, keeping a pointer in your hand (but then you must use it sensibly).
Playing with the pointer
Fumbling around a lot with your notes
Worst of all: reading everything from your notes
(while looking at your notes)

How to Appear Secure

It doesn't matter if you feel secure and confident, it matters if your audience gets that impression. However, it is a lot easier to convey that impression if you actually are secure and confident. But there are tricks:

Stand securely,
legs slightly spread, erect and face your audience. (if you're a female, don't wear high heels if it is not a fashion event)
Control your gesture,
(but forget that if you are a beginner). Still, the idea is to move your arms only above the belt line and outside of the chest area.
Be loud, be slow and make pauses
A loud voice (not screaming) is a signal of security. Machine gun speech patterns are only in character if it is one of your trade marks (beginners have no trade marks).
Controlled position changes
Walk calmly to the overhead projector, blackboard etc. If you are extremely controlled, make a little stop on your way to wherever and continue your presentation with a few remarks. That requires that you start to walk before the issue that demands the walk comes up!
Calmly face your "contact persons" eye to eye - but no longer than 3 seconds. Have at least three contact persons or segment of the audience between which you change your eye contact.
But don't forget: If you actually try to remember and do all this on your first few presentations, you will definitely forget what you wanted to talk about (all this needs practice). If you neglect the signals on the factual channel, zero negative interference on the emotional channel cannot have any positive impact!

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© H. Föll (Electronic Materials - Script)