Domain Structures

Here are some domain structures as found in the Web. These pictures are scientific citations and thus do not infringe on Copyrights.
Unfortunately, some of these pictures do not obey the first law of scientific picture publishing, which is:
You must always have a scale on your micrographs!
Magnetic domains
Domain structure of native magnetite (obtained by
"magnetic force microscope imaging"). It is quite complicated.
Magneitc domains in Fe
A very nice picture of the domain structure of Fe + 3% Si.
(From a paper entitled: Interaction Between domain walls and
structural defects as a background for magnetic inspection
of steel structures" by E.S. Gorkunov, Yu.N. Dragoshansky
(from the Proceedings of the 15th World Conference on
Nondestructive Testing Roma (Italy) 15-21 October 2000))

Domain structure in Gd-Co alloy
A labyrinth of magnetic domain as seen in an
amorphous membrane of Gd-Co.
Historical picture from unclear source.
Domains in NdFeB material. The domain character in this
highly anisotropic material depends on the orientation of the easy
axis of magnetization relative to the surface. In the grain on the right
the axis is oriented perpendicularly, resulting in fine branched domains,
while the grain on the left has a lower degree of
misorientation relative to the surface.
From A. Hubert and R. Schäfer, Magnetic Domains.
The Analysis of Magnetic Microstructures, Springer,
Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 1998. With friendly
permission of R. Schäfer.
Domain branching observed at the surface of a Co crystal
with strong out-of-plane anisotropy.
Same source as to the left.

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go to 4.3.3 Magnetic Domains

go to 5.2.7 Specialities

© H. Föll (Advanced Materials B, part 1 - script)